Jul 19, 2023Liked by Andrew Dessler

And why would anyone infer the Dust Bowl era was acceptable anyway? Even if the argument was true it’s a dumb one to make, indeed it supports the climate change fears.

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May I ask what tools you used to make those world maps? This bogus argument is universal and I’d love to produce a map for memorable heat waves in my corner of the woods, Western Europe.

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I don't know if it's "interesting", "funny", or none of that, but the linked article about the "warming pause" literally reads "the data are not cherry picked". Go figure.

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Is this an "homage" or, are we on the same wavelength?


Anthropogenic Particulate is a form of Geoengineering. We have been geoengineering the Earth's Climate for awhile.

I discuss the same chart, in detail.

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