
Hi folks, banned the commentator croploss for the next month as he was spamming the comments with bad faith accusations about scientists manipulating temperature records.

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The warmest August ever, after the warmest July ever, after...[etc., etc.]. When climater deniers deploy their all-purpose talking point, “the climate is always changing”, it’s kind of like somebody standing in the middle of WWII and sniffing, “yeah, well, folks have never really gotten along well.”

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Andrew Dessler

So many thanks for the extremely important work you guys are doing

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Is a temperature anomaly map available for this August evaluation? We had a pretty cool month in parts of Western Europe, so I would be interested to put that in perspective.

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Not from JRA55, but you can find month to date maps from NCEP CFS here: http://www.karstenhaustein.com/climate.php

Western Europe had been relatively cool so far this month.

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Thanks! But bad news: «Due to a catastrophic backup failure during Server relocation, no update

in the foreseeable future! Apologies!»

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Thank you for this update. I understand that this the global ambient mean. Q: Are the data for only land stations or both land and ocean?


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The data include both land and ocean

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The claim was not made that it is the warmest Aug on record in Australia.

You are correct to criticize forest management, but I don't think that can be laid to the blame of people trying to reduce net CO2 emissions.

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You claim the area burned per year has decreased but even if that is so it does not give the full story - it does not tell what has burned.

For example, what burned in Australia had never burned before, at least as far as we know.

No, for those not looking at the world through a cataract of denial the press coverage is only just starting to adequately cover the catastrophe unfolding.

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The post is about global mean temperatures, not wildfires.

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